I recently purchased your product. I’ve been evaluating Automaticloud and so far find it very useful.
I have just found what I think is a bug:
I have an RDS snapshot by tag job defined that should create snapshots for any RDS instances that are tagged with “ac_auto_backup” in my region which is gov-west-1. It throws the following error when I try to fire the job:
at AWSLib.ListDBSnapshotsByTagAndAge(String AccessKey, String SecretKey, String Region, Int32 age, Int32 keepWeeks, Int32 keepMonths, String DBId, String Tag, List`1 idList) in D:\FBWS\AutomatiCloud\CloudScheduler\AWSLib.cs:line 1046
at AWSCreateDBSnapshotJob.Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) in D:\FBWS\AutomatiCloud\CloudScheduler\AWSCreateDBSnapShotJob.cs:line 272Invalid resource name: arn:aws:rds:us-gov-west-1:xxxxx:snapshot:rds:us-gov-west-1-impl-2018-05-11-13-25
I think the problem is that in gov-west-1, the “ARN”s are slightly different. They start with "arn:aws-us-gov:rds:us-gov-west-1:…” instead of "arn:aws:rds:us-gov-west-1:…"
Thanks for your help,
Problem with cleanup in US-GOV region
Re: Problem with cleanup in US-GOV region
fixed in 4.1.862