Installed AutomatiCloud 3.3.819 2056 on Windows 2012 server AWS instance. Everytime, I restart the AWS instance, AutomatiCloud is not able to restart its own service automatically despite I configured it (in Windows "Services") to start as "Automatic".
I have also tried "Automatic (Delay)" type, but still not able to start AutomatiCloud service itself.
Please provide a fix or a workaround.
Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
Please check the event log for any error messages.
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
Got the following error from Event Logs:
The AutomatiCloud service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the AutomatiCloud service to connect.
The AutomatiCloud service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the AutomatiCloud service to connect.
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
What instance type are you using? A very small one? Can you try with a faster?
Please use the latest version of AutomatiCloud. I think there were some minor startup improvements.
Please use the latest version of AutomatiCloud. I think there were some minor startup improvements.
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
It is a m4.xlarge instance, and it is already a very fast one.
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
BTW, What is the easier way to download the new version of AutomatiCloud (I am a permanent registered user)? When I tried to download it and entered my email address, the download page complained that my email is already been used (yes, it is for the registration).
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
m4.xlarge should be sufficient.
Please use the link you received by mail to download the latest version.
Please use the link you received by mail to download the latest version.
Re: Not able to start automatically as service in Windows 2012 server
Just tried 3.3.822 and it is configured to be "Automatic (Delay)" and is able to start itself after rebooting the VM.